I'm ready to let 2014 go. It treated me pretty shitty & threw a lot of emotional curveballs that I really wasn't ready for…& I still ain't. I'm still trying to process them & it's taking a lot out of me. But before I get into all of the seriousness of my emotional & physical states of distress & how I plan to takeover the world in 2015...

How about this?
The days after Christmas consisted up until NYE was mostly a bunch of playing with the new toys, reading (for me), & relaxation. We did go out the day after Christmas to do some returning, exchanging, & shopping for extremely discounted Christmas decorations. Yes, I'm crazy. I have embraced my lack of sanity. Bahaha. I realize that going out the following days after Christmas is a extremely stupid idea & is known as a general rule worldwide, but in all honestly it really wasn't that bad. We went to all of three store and all of them were right on the edges of good ole Libertyville Lynchburg, so there was no need for us to travel down the road to hell, aka Wards Road. I will say, however, that Kohl's was horrific. Of course, this has always been my opinion since I worked there a little while after the store opened in Lynchburg…so I really wasn't expecting much to begin with. That mess of a store & lack of proper management was too much for my OCD to handle on a daily basis. It hasn't improved since & it's been years now. I couldn't find anything I was looking for (which is normal for there) & the lines were ridiculous (which was worse than when I worked there). This being said, I worked a Black Friday at this store. I know how bad lines can get. Let me tell you now that these lines were legitly 3 times worse than the lines I had on Black Friday. Come on, Kohls. Get your shit together.
New Year's Eve was relatively the same thing. I spent the entire day at home with my family. Surprisingly, my Diddy even stayed with us all day too. That's a rare commodity when he stays still & participates in the action known as "being lazy". That night after we laid the kids down for bed, my son's Diddy came over & went with me across the road to the neighbor's house to bring the New Year in with them. (Diddy spent the night at my house to watch the kids for me.) We ate good things, drank a little (Seriously, I had two beers. I didn't feel like dealing with the hangover at 6-something a.m. when Bubba woke up), & just had an overall great time with my new friends/neighbors. It was great. At around 1 a.m., I walked home (across the road…there's nothing better than not having to drink & drive when you can walk home. Bahaha.). Later that night/morning, my daughter woke up crying. Later when I woke her up to get her ready for her father to come get her (not because I wanted him to, trust me), she was shaking, crying, burning up, sweating, & wouldn't eat. Tylenol was dispensed & cuddling commenced until he came. I found out later that "family pictures" were taken that day…an outside shoot. It was not t-shirt kind of weather either. Exactly what you need to do with a sick baby. Who said sick kids need medicine & rest? Next time when she's sick & he's in town, she's just staying with me. #IdiotsEverywhere
Then this kid started laying around everywhere & wanting to cuddle. My son doesn't lay around whatsoever…& he doesn't sit still long enough to cuddle. He's is legitly a ball of energy from the time he gets up (usually between 5 to 7 in the a.m.) to the time he goes to sleep. So when both happen, we automatically know he's sick without having to even check his temperature. Another sign he's sick: if he sleeps past 7 in the morning. It didn't hit him until after Taterbug left, so that didn't apply here.
Two sick babies on New Years…I'm pretty sure that's probably a bad omen of some sort for 2015. Oh well. It couldn't be any worse than what 2014 was. Knock on wood…
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Doesn't she look thrilled about the new year? Bahaha. #SoftKittyWarmKitty #LittleBallOfFur |
Get Your Shit Together Kohl's

Celebrating The New Year With Sick Babies
New Year's Eve was relatively the same thing. I spent the entire day at home with my family. Surprisingly, my Diddy even stayed with us all day too. That's a rare commodity when he stays still & participates in the action known as "being lazy". That night after we laid the kids down for bed, my son's Diddy came over & went with me across the road to the neighbor's house to bring the New Year in with them. (Diddy spent the night at my house to watch the kids for me.) We ate good things, drank a little (Seriously, I had two beers. I didn't feel like dealing with the hangover at 6-something a.m. when Bubba woke up), & just had an overall great time with my new friends/neighbors. It was great. At around 1 a.m., I walked home (across the road…there's nothing better than not having to drink & drive when you can walk home. Bahaha.). Later that night/morning, my daughter woke up crying. Later when I woke her up to get her ready for her father to come get her (not because I wanted him to, trust me), she was shaking, crying, burning up, sweating, & wouldn't eat. Tylenol was dispensed & cuddling commenced until he came. I found out later that "family pictures" were taken that day…an outside shoot. It was not t-shirt kind of weather either. Exactly what you need to do with a sick baby. Who said sick kids need medicine & rest? Next time when she's sick & he's in town, she's just staying with me. #IdiotsEverywhere
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Sick baby #1 |
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Sick baby #2 |
*knock, knock, knock* "Penny." *knock, knock, knock* "Penny." *knock, knock, knock* "Penny."
But Seriously, The Philosophical Shit
But seriously I'm so done with 2014, I can't even. *stereotypical white girl voice* Don't get me wrong. Good things have happened in 2014.
- My kids grew a year older.
- I finally (only took a total of seven years) graduated from college with my Bachelors.
- My kids & I got our first home together.
But in reality, the good didn't really outweigh the bad.
- My Grandpa started a fast decent in health that led to his passing in September.
- I got my first job only to realize how horribly the mentally & physically disabled are treated by the employees there. So I quit…& haven't been able to find a job since.
- I gave finding love a chance only to be reaffirmed that men are assholes & aren't worth the pain.
- I lost something very precious to me that I will never be able to get back. I'm reminded of it everyday & it hurts in every imaginable way possible.
I can definitely say out of all of this, I have learned some very harsh but valuable lessons from 2014 that have been emblazoned in my brain for all of time. Other than that, you can not imagine how grateful I am that 2014 is gone. As for 2015, I'm hoping for anything other than a 2014 repeat. I mean, other than the sick babies, it's already starting to promise good things. My sister is coming into town in 14 days to visit, which is just the beginning of many more throughout the year. I'm planning on running *another* half marathon in March. Shoot me now, but my friend who I do these kind of things with is too convincing. At least I have an incentive to start getting my fat ass back into the gym. At one point I was going almost every day. I kept it up for three months. I'm hoping to beat that record. Plus the half marathon is at the beach on St. Patrick's Day weekend & it promises free beer at the end, so it can only be but so bad. At the very least, I'll be celebrating St. Patty's Day weekend at the beach. On a completely unrelated note, who wants to be my on-call "bail money" person if I ever happen to get arrested in the entire course of my life? Any takers???
I've put in A LOT of applications to jobs through the hospital, specifically to the child treatment center & psychiatric unit I interned at…so I'm hoping one of them comes through for me soon. I mean, I got offered a job at the psychiatric unit when I was interning there & couldn't accept it because I still had a Spanish class left to complete in the Summer for my degree to be complete. I feel like I have some sort of shot at getting offered some kind of position through them if that happened once, right??? *Positive vibes* If not, I'll keep searching. No biggie. I plan on embracing life a little more this year. I plan on more trips for my family & me, more pictures, more random rides to the playground, more physical activity from myself, paying of a large portion of my debt, etc. I'm not setting any specific resolutions because I feel like it's too demanding & if you don't reach it precisely the way you want, you just feel too defeated. Instead, these are just general ideas…concepts, even. I'll work on them a little each month & see if any progress has commenced by the end of the year. If I've gained any progress whatsoever in the right direction of these concepts, well then I've done what I set out to do.
" You don't have to be better than anyone else, just be better than you were the day before."
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